@amazingcritterproducts.com #http://amazingcritterproducts.blogspot.com #pets #seniorpets #animals
This is a very good article....and so important! Take good care of your pets!
You may be surprised to know that pets over the age of 7 years old are considered geriatric.
Animals age much faster than we do. As responsible pet owners and companions to our furry friends, we must be diligent and aware of our aging pets.
As with humans, age and time begin to break down our pet’s bodies. Have you ever noticed your pet struggling to get up or down or maybe sleeping more? These may be signs that your pet is feeling his age.
Maintaining a healthy weight and staying active is very important to your pets’ physical and mental health, so get them up and out for a gentle walk and breath of fresh air every day. The consistent movement and low impact will also keep their joints lubricated and aid in mobility. Simply walking can provide health benefits for everyone!
If walking is difficult for your pet, please consult your veterinarian before giving any medications. Your veterinarian may be able to provide you with simple low-impact exercises to try and/or provide recommendations on pain management, joint supplements and even prescription medications when needed. There are even special foods formulated for geriatric pets.
Being in the outdoor environment will also aid in your pets’ mental health by stimulating their brain with different sights, sounds and smells. As they say, if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it!
If your pet suddenly starts taking longer to come when called, be patient with him. He may be experiencing some hearing loss that is common in older pets. Vision is also affected by age. You may notice that your pet is walking along the walls, bumping into things in new environments or having trouble seeing in low light. Stairs can also become difficult.
Because of the decline in their senses, aging pets should be supervised when outside to avoid harmful, difficult or dangerous situations.
Since their bodies age faster, it is a great idea to have your pet thoroughly checked out by a veterinarian a couple of times a year. Having geriatric blood work performed wouldn’t hurt; when was the last time he had blood work done? Years? It would provide you and your veterinarian with some great insight into your pet’s overall health and help stay ahead of any possible health complications such as organ failure.
If we are lucky, we get many, many years with our pets. As they grow older with us, let’s do everything we can to keep them around for as long as possible. Growing older doesn’t mean giving up. Get that sweet friend up off of the sofa and take a walk, then maybe a trip to the vet … shhhh, don’t tell him!